Monday, April 28, 2008

Prayer Requests - Week of 4/27/2008

VBS - prayer walk on May 18th

Travis & Shelby - need to find housing and a job in Waco

Sharon's mother passed away

Senior recitals for Jordan & Heather this weekend

April's co-worker, Patra, has been having a difficult family time: her mother was in an accident, is recovering, and has had some complications; a sister fell and fractured a hip.

The Eason family's house burned down and they lost everything. If you would like to contribute toward a gift card for the family, please let April know. This is a great opportunity to practically demonstrate the love of Christ.

Praise!! Kandace went to the ER this weekend with chest pain, but it turned out to be minor.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Good Times at Shady Grove

The threat of rain prevented us from overnight camping, but we still went out and had a good time. We cooked hot dogs over a campfire, rode four-wheelers, and even did a little hog hunting. Good times for all.

I think I got a picture of everyone, but I forgot to have someone take a picture with me in it. Next time someone help remind me. Please check out my pictures by CLICKING HERE.

Gregg's pictures of the hog hunting can be seen HERE: .

Next Social: Lunch at Pecan Park after church in May (details coming soon)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shady Grove Gathering

Join us for hot dogs and smores!

April 25th, 5:30 @ Shady Grove

Camping is optional

We will need chips, drinks, and desserts
If you would like to bring any of the above
please contact April ASAP!


Or use these directions:
Take Hwy 7 East 6.5miles from Mr. Will's to County Rd 317.
Go Right into CR 317, and take it about a mile,
look on the hill on the right for the camping spot

REMEMBER: To invite others to join us. Please read Gregg's post (Reaching Out) below.

Men's Ministry Lake Day

All men are invited to attend a day of
fun, food & great fellowship!

This Saturday, April 26!!
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
at Caro Lake
Lunch! Fishing! Skeet Shooting!

Sponsored by the Men's Ministry
of First Baptist Church

Monday, April 21, 2008

Reaching Out


If you can come this Friday, please come and hang out with the group.  Invite friends and their kids too!  This is a great chance to meet new friends and to get to know everyone a little better.

Bring some chairs for comfort, maybe some bug spray, camping gear if you are staying, some snacks, and a smile.

If you get lost from the extremely difficult directions :-), then call my Cell phone - 936.615.3002.

See you on Friday,


Prayer Requests - Week of 4/20/2008

Children's Day is Sunday, April 27th - Debbie Crenshaw is being recognized

Prayer Walk on May 18th

Gerald's grandchild died with SIDS - mentioned by Nick

Travis & Shelby - need to find housing and a job in Waco

Gregg's grandmother - Much improved health!

Joe's grandfather passed away due to heart trouble

Vacation Bible School - Pray for volunteers to help make it a success

Keep praying! We all need His strength to make it in these tough and busy times

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Prayer Requests - Week of 4/13/2008

Heather and Jordan have their Senior Recitals this week. Please pray for them to learn the music and perform awesomely! Don't forget about their upcoming move / relocation to Fort Worth area. Their open recital is May 3rd.

Cari (David and April's daughter) is sick and was in hospital for a couple of days. Pray for her recovery.

Travis was accepted to Truitt Seminary in Waco!!! Praise!

Shelby had a HUGE project due Monday.

Nick has good friend / coworker whose grandmother is in terminal condition on hospice. Pray for the family.

Jonna has a 38 year old brother-in-law, Wesley, who will be undergoing major heart surgery to prevent aortic dissection in a couple of weeks. He has only been married about 6 months.

Chris' grandmother (Patricia) had a recurrence of breast cancer. Pray for her decision on how to treat this and for peace and assurance for her and the family. Also Chris has a coworker who just experienced an unexpected death in the family (Rob).

Kandace's mother (Kimberly) is having a difficult time right now.

Remember to continue to pray for Annie who recently lost her husband unexpectedly.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Prayer Requests - Week of 4/6/2008

Dacia is still having some problems with her neck/shoulder/etc following her surgery. Chris is in paramedic school, and Dacia is trying to complete her schoolwork for the semester.

April's co-worker, Patra, is having a tough time. Her mother was in an accident recently and is recovering.

Carl has a patient, Angela, who is struggling with a lot of issues right now.

Heather and Jordan will be moving to Fort Worth after school and will need to find a place to live. Jordan has a job with a pipe organ-making company, but Heather will be trying to build up a home studio of piano students.

Travis's grandfathers are both having difficulties. One is still living with his parents and does not seem to be doing much for himself. The other grandfather is having some memory problems.

Shelly's brother, Cole, has mono.

PRAISE: David and April are celebrating their 7th anniversary!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Lunch at Joe's

We had a good lunch at Joe's Italian Grill after Sunday School. You can view a few pictures from the lunch here:

Next Social: Cookout / Optional Camping in Shady Grove

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sunday School Socials Update

Sunday, April 6, we will meet at Joe's Italian Grill for lunch. Joe's is on North Street across from Tire Max (3613 North St) .

We are asking everyone to go to the first service so that everyone will be on the same church schedule and we can meet at the restaurant after Sunday School.

(Now That's Being Resourceful)

We are also planning a Cookout / Optional Camping Social for April 25th in Shady Grove. Please come out for the cookout and fellowship even if you do not intend to camp out overnight. It should be a fun gathering.

More details on the Cookout / Optional Camping Social will be coming soon.

That's My King!!!

They played this video at church on Easter Sunday. It is pretty powerful, so I decided to find it and post it on the blog. It is called "That's My King" by Dr S M Lockridge

You need to have an Adobe Flash Player to view the video.

Download it Free:

Prayer Requests - Week of 3/30/2008

Pray for Murhpy and Sarah as their wedding day approaches.

Remember April's uncle Ben in your prayers as he continues to battle with his health problems. The changing weather seems to be especially hard on him.

Emily P. is a friend of several members of our Sunday School Class. She was seven months pregnant and lost the baby last week. She had to deliver last Thursday and the memorial service was this past Sunday. Please keep Emily, her husband Brian and their son Bryce in your prayers.

Some things to give praise for...

Greggs grandmother is still in rehab but she is doing better.

Kent and Amber are expecting their second child. Amber is now 15 weeks and feeling well.