Monday, May 26, 2008

Cookout at the Nichols' Home

It was hot, but that didn't stop everyone from having a good time at the Nichols' cookout. The cookout was in honor of the Sammons family, as well as Heather and Jordan, and Travis and Shelby. They are all moving on to other opportunities in Waco and Ft. Worth. We will miss them. They have been great sunday school class members and great friends.

Please check out the pictures: Nichols' Home Cookout

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Prayer Requests - Week of 5/25/2008

VBS- also, people are needed to be present to act as counselors on Wed. for Decision Day. Contact Laura if you can do this.

Moves - for the Sammons, Yerkes, Clarke's. Also, for Rachel and Adam, who told us last night that they are moving near McKinney.

Continue to remember Trey and Jody as they have moved into a different house and are unpacking, settling, etc.

Also, remember the Steven Curtis Chapman family as they have experienced the death of their 6-year-old daughter.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Prayer Requests - Week of 5/18/2008

Please keep Dacia in your prayers. She continues to have a lot of problems with her neck/shoulder, and she is also not sleeping well. She is having a lot of doctor appointments and taking medicines, but nothing definitive is known at this point.

Remember Hollie & Chris and Shelby & Travis as they prepare to move to Waco.

Pray for Heather and Jordan as they are relocating to Dallas. They need to find a place to live and have a smooth transition.

Pray for Jordan's family. They are still trying to find a place to live in AR. Also, they will need to be selling their house.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Memorial Day Dinner Send-Off for YM Class Friends

This is unofficial word of a Send-Off party for the Sammons and several other couples in class that will be leaving us this summer. Monday, May 26, at 6:00pm if all schedules are approved, there will be a Dinner at the Nichols Home for the friends that will be leaving us this summer. Chris and Holly Sammons have been dedicated to teaching and leading our class, and he is becoming an Associate Pastor at a church in Waco. Travis and Shelby, and Jordan and Heather will both be leaving us later in the summer, so we want to send them off in warm friendship too!

Please advise if this will fit your schedule, just email Angie or April. Angie's email is

Thanks to all of our friends and classmates that help support one another as Christ would.


Click here to see more pictures from the camping social:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Luncheon Benefiting Krecia Birdwell Morris

The Men's Ministry of First Baptist Church presents...

A Churchwide Luncheon Benefiting
Krecia Birdwell Morris

Sunday, May 18th
FBC Fellowship Hall
Immediately following worship

$7.00 / plate
All plates are "to-go."
All proceeds go toward helping Krecia
pay for a bone marrow transplant.

Lunch Includes...
Chicken, potato salad, & beans

First Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall411 North Street

Come enjoy a great lunch and help support Krecia!

Prayer Requests - Week of 5/11/2008

April's cousin Jennifer just had a baby, but she recently lost her mom.

Please remember Joe's grandmother, Barbara. His grandfather recently passed away and due to a recent move, she is still unpacking.

Pray for the Sammons - they will be moving shortly after Chris returns from a mission trip to India with a group of students. Also, pray for these students and for the people they will meet and touch during this trip.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Prayer Requests - Week of 5/4/2008

VBS prayer walk 5/18 and VBS in June

Krecia Morris - needing transplant

Shelby had a job interview and is waiting to hear back

Travis will be starting seminary soon

Jordan & Heather's recitals went well!!!! They will be moving around July.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer. Please pray with your friends and family today and encourage others to do so as well. United in Prayer!!!

You need to have an Adobe Flash Player to view the video.
Download it Free: